The effect of transplanted syngeneic methylcholanthrene induced fibrosarcomata on the primary immune response of CBA and A/HeJ mice to standard doses of alum BSA, SRBC and SIII has been investigated. In animals with established fibrosarcomata the responses were (with one exception) either normal or elevated. Cell transfer studies in sublethally irradiated syngeneic recipients confirmed that the spleens from tumour bearing mice were capable of responding effectively to all 3 antigens. In animals simultaneously challenged with viable sarcoma cells and antigen the response to alum BSA was suppressed while those to SRBC and SIII were often enhanced. Furthermore the secondary response of A/HeJ mice to BSA was also suppressed by the simultaneous injection of viable fibrosarcoma cells. The administration of C. parvum 3 days after antigen had a variable effect. Nevertheless in a number of cases it significantly increased the primary response to all 3 antigens. It also inhibited the growth of the CBA fibrosarcoma but was without effect on the A/HeJ fibrosarcoma.