1. A combination of a mineral balance and a radioisotope technique has been used to study the relationship between dose rate of 1-α-hydroxycholecalciferol (1α-OH-D3) and the magnitude and duration of its effect on the various processes of calcium and phosphorous metabolism in adult wether sheep.2. The rate of absorption of Ca was markedly increased by treatment and maximum response occurred at the lowest dose rate.3. Although sheep were already Ca-replete, the extra Ca absorbed was all retained and increased retention was brought about by a combination of an increase in bone accretion and a decrease in bone resorption. This finding conflicts with the generally-held belief that bone resorption is increased by cholecalciferol treatment.4. The rates of absorption and retention of P were increased by 1α-OH-D3 treatment and maximum response occurred at the lowest dose rate.5. That P absorption could be increased by treatment suggests that not all the available dietary P was absorbed in the control period.6. Although the loss of endogenous P in the faeces was unaltered by treatment, the secretion of P into the gut was increased, and the increase was directly related to increased serum inorganic P concentration.7. Nearly all the extra P absorbed was retained and increased retention was achieved by a combination of an increased incorporation into and a decreased loss from the non-exchangeable pools of bone and soft tissues.8. The time interval taken for absorption rates of Ca and P to return to normal after the end of each treatment was related to the dose rate of 1α-OH-D3. Although higher dose rates had little effect on the magnitude of response, they did prolong slightly the duration of response.

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