Detailed investigation of the magnetic phase diagram ofCeRu2Ge2up to 11 GPa

The electrical resistivity ρ(T) and transverse magnetoresistivity of magnetically ordered CeRu2Ge2 (TN=8.55K and TC=7.40K) was measured as a function of pressure up to P=11GPa and down to T=30 mK. Pressure first increases TN and suppresses TC. Then a second transition, corresponding probably to a modification of the AFM state, appears at TL<TN in the pressure range 3.5<P<7.2GPa. The long-range magnetic order disappears at a critical pressure Pc=8.7GPa like TN(PcP)m, with m=0.71(8). The ρ(T) curves at low temperature and low pressure (P<7.8GPa) are well described by a power law ρ(T)Tn, with exponents n>2. Well above Pc, a Fermi liquid behavior (n=2) is observed and the A coefficient of the quadratic T dependence decreases with pressure. In the pressure interval Pc±0.8GPa, exponents close to n=1.5 indicate a deviation from a Fermi liquid description. The magnetoresistivity curves show different anomalies at characteristic magnetic fields Ba,Bc, and BM. The latter occurs close to Pc and is reminiscent of the metamagneticlike field in CeRu2Si2. A quantitative comparison between the (T,P) data of CeRu2Ge2 and the (T,x) data of CeRu2(Si1xGex)2 on the basis of the unit-cell volume as the crucial parameter shows that the same (T,V) diagram is obtained.

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