Prediction of leisure time exercise behavior among a group of lower-limb disabled adults

The aim of this study was to predict leisure time exercise behavior among a group of 62 lower-limb disabled adults. The theory of reasoned action proposed by Fishbein (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975) provided a framework for the study. Variables measured included the Fishbein model variables, habit, education, disability type, fitness level, and a 7-day follow-up of exercise behavior. Some 35% of the variance in exercise behavior could be explained; intention was the strongest predictor (.31, p < .05). In comparison, the ability to predict intentions to exercise by using the other variables was quite poor, with only 7% of the variance explained by habit. None of the Fishbein model variables contributed to this prediction. These results indicated the importance of specific factors, such as the strength of the exercise habit and the cause of disability, on exercise behavior.