4f2/4f6p configuration interaction in LiYF4 :Pr3+s

In two other papers [M. D. Faucher, O. K. Moune, D. Garcia, and P. Tanner, Phys. Rev. B 53, 9501 (1996); M. D. Faucher and O. K. Moune, J. Alloys Compounds (to be published)], it was shown that the introduction of the 5fn/5fn17p (or 4fn/4fn16p) configuration interaction eliminated large discrepancies in the crystal-field analysis of (i) U4+ (5f2) in Cs2 UBr6 and Cs2 ZrBr6, for which the least root-mean-square deviation between experimental and calculated energy levels falls down from 241 to 56 cm1, and (ii) Nd3+ in Nd2 O2S, for which the discrepancy of the H2(2)11/2 level is eliminated by the configuration interaction with the excited 4f26p configuration. The demonstration is now extended to Pr3+ and seems to be of general application. For LiYF4:Pr3+ the mean deviation is divided by more than 2 by utilizing an interaction matrix including 4f6p in addition to the ground configuration 4f2.