Relating Spectral Indices to Tensor and Scalar Amplitudes in Inflation

  • 1 March 1994
Within an expansion in slow-roll inflation parameters, we derive the complete second-order expressions relating the ratio of tensor to scalar density perturbations and the spectral index of the scalar spectrum. We find that ``corrections'' to previously derived formulae can dominate if the tensor to scalar ratio is small. For instance, if $V V''/(V')^2\neq 1$ or if $m_{Pl}^2/(4\pi) ~|V'''/V'|\ga 1$, where $V(\phi)$ is the inflaton potential and $m_{Pl}$ is the Planck mass, then the previously used simple relations between the indices and the tensor to scalar ratio fails. This failure occurs in particular for natural inflation, Coleman--Weinberg inflation, and ``chaotic'' inflation.

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