Photosynthetischer Elektronentransport der Alge Bumilleriopsis w hrend der Zellentwicklung

The alga Bumilleriopsis filiformis Vischer (Xanthophyceae) was synchronized by light intensity combined with temperature changes. During the 48-h cell cycle there is a stage of low cellular photosynthetic activity in the 34th hour after start of the cycle and one of high activity between the 39th and 41th hour. These activities were compared with the p-benzoquinone mediated Hill reaction of non-homogenized cells and electron transport rates measured with carefully isolated chloroplast material. Ferricyanide and methylviologen reduction was tested with water as donor and photosystem I reactions with reduced dichloro-phenolindophenol and diaminodurene. The influence of superoxide dismutase and ascorbate was examined. The data show parallel changes in the activities of electron transport and cellular photosynthesis during cell development and indicate corresponding alteration not only in the activity of photosystem II but also in that of system I.