Splitting of the3plevels in the transition elements and their oxides

Systematic measurements have been made on the Kβ1,3 emission lines of the transition elements 21Z29. Each element was studied in the metallic state and also in one of its oxidized states. The energy separation ΔE between the 3p12 and the 3p32 levels in these elements varies from about 3.4 eV for Cu29 to about 2.0 eV for Sc21, and therefore the Kβ1,3 complex almost appears as a single emission line under the present experimental conditions. The exchange interaction between the 3d and the 3p electrons in these elements causes some of the electrons in the 3p state to move to lower energy levels; transitions from these levels appear as emission bands at the low-energy side of the Kβ1,3 complex. A computer program was devised to unfold the complex structures and provide values for the mean energy separation ΔE and the relative transition probabilities of the constituent lines. For all the elements studied, the effect of oxidation seems to enhance the relative intensity of the low-energy emission band, without significantly altering the value of ΔE. Comparison of the present experimental results with theoretical values derived on the basis of a simple exchange interaction exhibits good agreement on the value of the mean energy separation ΔE, but shows large discrepancies in the relative transition probabilities.