Anatomical features of the straight sinus and its tributaries

The authors report a variety of arrangements of the venous channels comprising the straight sinus (sinus rectus) and its connections during a continuing study of the cerebral sinuses and their tributaries. In approximately 85% of 131 specimens of dura mater with enclosed venous sinuses derived from fresh cadavers, the straight sinus was represented by a single midline tentorial channel whereas in the remaining 15%, segments of it were doubled and in a few, tripled. In addition to these aberrations in the development of the main trunk of this sinus, the venous patterns at the junctions of the inferior sagittal sinus, vein of Galen and straight sinus showed comparable developmental inconstancies. Also in no specimens were the patterns of venous channels in the leaves of the tentorium cerebelli alike. The course, size, and connections of all the tributaries of the straight sinus have been studied and consideration given to their potentials as collateral pathways in the event either the vein of Galen or the straight sinus itself were occluded.