The magnitude and duration of the effects of some mouthrinse products on salivary bacterial counts

The persistence of action or substantivity of an antimicrobial agent in the mouth relates to the plaque inhibitory action of that compound. Substantivity can be assessed by measuring the magnitude and duration of the fall in salivary bacteria following single rinses with antimicrobials. This was a randomised single‐blind, cross‐over study measuring the effects of single 60‐s rinses of 5 mouthwash products on salivary bacterial counts in 14 healthy human volunteers. Effects over a 7‐h period were compared with a chlorhexidine rinse product (positive control) and saline (negative control). All but one rinse, containing cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), significantly reduced bacterial counts compared to saline up to 5–7 h. No rinse produced the magnitude or duration of effect noted for chlorhexidine and decrements from baseline, with one exception, were highly significantly lower than with the chlorhexidine product. Comparing the 2 CPC rinses, the findings suggest that the activity of one product was vitiated by some other ingredient. The triclosan/copolymer, the essential oil/phenolic and one CPC products exhibited similar persistence. In those cases where information is available, these data are consistent with comparative plaque inhibitory findings for the products or their active ingredients. Again, it is concluded that the method is a useful screening and comparison test for the potential plaque inhibitory activity of antimicrobial oral hygiene products.