Intention to Have a Mammogram in the Future Among Women Who Have Underused Mammography in the Past

This study investigated associations between confidence in one's ability to discuss mammography with health providers and to obtain regular mammograms (self-efficacy), social network members' attitudes toward mammograms (social influence), mammography experiences, and intention to have a mammogram in the next 1 to 2 years among women who were not in adherence with screening guidelines. Data were collected as part of a baseline assessment for a work site intervention study. Women 52 years and older completed a selfadministered survey. Those not in compliance with screening guidelines (n = 194) were included in the analyses. Logistic regression revealed that self-efficacy and strong supportive social influences were significantly associated with mammography intention (odds ratio [OR] = 2.50, OR = 2.22, respectively), adjusting for prior mammography use. Findings suggest that interventions designed to promote mammography should build women's confidence in their ability to discuss mammography with health providers and to obtain regular mammograms. Intervention among social networks may also be an effective means of promoting mammography.