A simple model is introduced to simulate the detection of cavity radiation with the detector placed outside the cavity. Explicit expressions, in terms of initial photon-number distribution, for the time-dependent distributions of photoelectron number and conditional as well as unconditional waiting times are derived. The effect of photodetection on the quantum state of the radiation in the present arrangement is found to be unchanged from that with the detector placed inside the cavity. The well-known Q parameter introduced by Mondel [Opt. Lett. 4, 205 (1979)] is found to be exactly equal to the change in the expectation value of photon number due to the detection of a photon. Photon bunching or antibunching, reflecting classical or nonclassical radiation, is determined by whether conditional waiting time is less or greater than unconditional waiting time. When this criterion is applied to three specific examples, namely, coherent, thermal, and number states, the results are as expected.