Space Charge Neutralization by Positive Ions in Diodes

The neutralization of electron space charge in diodes is analyzed on the basis of the assumption that the ion density is proportional to e−eV/kT, where V is the local potential and T is the cathode temperature. The neglect of electron‐ion collisions enables solutions for the potential variation between electrodes to be obtained by a single numerical quadrature. Curves are presented for the potential as a function of position for a series of values of the ratio α of ion to electron density at the potential minimum. It is shown that for a large range of tube parameters, the electron current reaches two‐thirds of its saturated value when the ion density at the cathode is about one‐third the quantity Is/ev0, where Is is the saturation current and v0 = (2kTm)½. The electron current saturates completely when the ion density at the cathode is slightly above 0.81 Is/ev0 for large electrode spacing and slightly below Is/ev0 for small spacing. The anomalous behavior of the potential as a function of position when α lies between 0.81 and unity leads to the possibility of more than one mode of operation for a given ion density at the cathode and also causes the tube current to increase rather than decrease with increasing electrode spacing under certain conditions. Since these phenomena occur only over a narrow range of tube parameters, the effect of electron ion collisions may prevent them from being observed experimentally.