Rotational features in the fluorescence excitation spectrum of O(1D2) from vacuum ultraviolet laser photodissociation of O2

Seventh‐order anti‐Stokes Raman‐shifted ultraviolet laser radiation is used to dissociate O2 in the 175–177 nm region of the Schumann–Runge band system, B 3ΣuX 3Σg. A cross section for the production of O(1D2) is deduced from the 762 nm fluorescence of O2(b 1Σ+g), a collisional de‐excitation product of O(1D2) and O2(X 3Σg). Step structure observed in the spectrum is attributed to rotational thresholds for absorption from X 3Σg to energies above the B 3Σu dissociation limit. The threshold energies define a limiting rotationless dissociation energy of 57 136.4±0.9 cm−1. Shape resonances, quasibound by the rotational barrier of B 3Σu, are observed for the first time in O2. A theoretical calculation of the cross section is in agreement with the measured cross section when the near‐dissociation outer limb of the B 3Σu potential has an R−5 long range form. The shape of the adopted potential is consistent with an avoided crossing with another 3Σu state near R=4.6 Å.