Energy spectra transmitted through iron slabs of bremsstrahlung produced in iron and gold targets by 0.5–1.44-MeV electrons

The bremsstrahlung spectra transmitted through iron slabs were measured as a function of incident electron energy and iron-slab thickness. In this experiment, the gold and the iron targets were bombarded by 0.5–1.44-MeV electron beams from the Van de Graaff accelerator. Bremsstrahlung produced in the target and transmitted through the iron slab, which emerged at the forward direction of the incident electron beam, was detected with a NaI(Tl) scintillator. The experimental results were in good agreement with those of the approximate numerical calculation of the forward photon spectra. From the slopes of attenuation curves of total photon number and intensity, the effective attenuation coefficients and the effective energies were obtained as a function of the incident electron energy.