The Construct Validity of a Revised Form of a Self-Concept Measure for Employees in a Work Setting

The major purpose of this investigation was to obtain for a new sample of 200 employees in a electronics/computer firm evidence for the construct validity of a revised form of a self-concept measure for workers in an employment setting. Involving six-factor scales entitled Level of Aspiration, Anxiety, Job Interest and Satisfaction, Leadership and Initiative, Identification versus Alienation, and Job Stress, each consisting of 20 items, the Dimensions of Self-Concept, Form-W (DOSC-W) is an extension of a parallel standardized measure that has been employed in elementary and secondary schools as well as in colleges and universities. Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of a correlation matrix of 24 subtests each of five items derived from the six-factor scales were completed. The major conclusion drawn was that irrespective of whether exploratory or confirmatory factor analyses involving either orthogonal or oblique solutions are considered, the construct validity of the DOSC-W in terms of the presence of six hypothesized dimensions received substantial support.