The effects of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas (VAM) on the growth of Zea mays L. cv.s ‘PX610’ and ‘W415’, and Z. mays × robusta cv. ‘Yates Golden Cross Bantam’ (sweetcorn) were compared. Among the three cultivars there were highly significant differences in responsiveness to VAM as well as in root dry weight/total dry weight ratios, lamina P concentrations, and growth rate. In the absence of P, PX610 outgrew the other two cultivars and was well infected, but it failed to respond to VAM. In the non-mycorrhizal state the superiority of PX610 over the other cultivars was attributed to its superior ability to produce roots and its low lamina P concentrations. VAM depressed the root dry weight/total dry weight ratio of PX610 but not of sweetcorn or W415.