Regulatory Cells and Infectious Agents: Détentes Cordiale and Contraire

This brief review describes the types of interactions that occur between CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (Treg) and microbial pathogens. These interactions range from one of mutual benefit (détente cordiale) such as occurs in Leishmania major infection of resistant mouse strains, to instances where the Treg response appears to mainly favor the pathogen and be detrimental to the host (détente contraire). Examples of the latter include chronic persistent infections with retroviruses, perhaps including HIV, and hepatitis C virus. The Treg response also hampers the effectiveness of immunity against some acute virus infections such as HSV. Evidence is also discussed showing that Treg can play a benevolent role to limit the severity of bystander tissue damage in circumstances where the immune response to pathogens is immunopathological. Finally, emerging approaches are discussed that either blunt or activate Treg and that could be used practically to manage host-pathogen interaction.