Translation of individual species of vesicular stomatitis viral mRNA

Vesicular stomatitis virus mRNAs from three of the four bands fractionated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in 99% formamide have been eluted from gels and translated in the Krebs II ascites cell-free system. Band 2 mRNA (0.7 times 10-6 daltons) directed the synthesis of the protein moiety of the glycoprotein (G), and band 3 (0.55 times 10-6 daltons) coded for the nucleocapsid (N) protein. Band 4 mRNA (o.28 times 10-6 daltons) directed the synthesis of the NS and matrix (M) proteins. The authenticity of viral proteins synthesized in vitro was shown by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by analysis of (35-S)metionine-labeled tryptic peptides. These results are consistent with the complexity analysis and coding capacities for the vesicular stomatitis virus mRNA species presented in the accompanying paper.