Some 140 P-wave spectra of explosions, earthquakes, and explosion-induced aftershocks, all within the Nevada Test Site, have been computed from wide-band seismic data at close-in (< 30 km) and near-regional (200 to 300 km) distances. Observed near-regional corner frequencies indicate that source corner frequencies of explosions differ little from those of earthquakes of similar magnitude for 3 < ML < 5. Plots of 0.8 to 1.0 Hz Pg spectral amplitude versus 12-sec Rayleigh-wave amplitude show a linear trend with unit slope over three orders of magnitude for explosions; earthquakes fail to be distinguished from explosions on such a plot. These spectra also indicate similar source spectra for explosions in different media (tuff, alluvium, rhyolite) which corroborates Cherry et al. (1973). Close-in spectra of three large explosions indicate that: (1) source corner frequencies of explosions scale with yield in a way significantly different from previously published scaling laws; (2) explosion source spectra in tuff are flat from 0.2 to 1.0 Hz (no overshoot); (3) the far-field source spectrum decays at least as fast as frequency cubed. Taken together, these data indicate that the following factors are not responsible for Peppin and McEvilly's (1974) near-regional discriminant: (a) source dimension, (b) source rise time, or (c) shape of the source spectrum.