Gas phase Raman spectra of cyclopropane‐h6 and cyclopropane‐d6

The gas phase Raman spectra of normal and perdeutero‐cyclopropane have been recorded at medium resolution. The band contours of the E′ and E″ degenerate modes have been observed and computer simulation of them has allowed determination of the ζiz values. This analysis was possible for ν9, ν11, ν12, ν13, and ν14 of C3H6 and for ν9, ν10, ν11, ν12, ν13, and ν14 of C3D6. The gas phase spectrum of C3D6 is reported for the first time and assigned. The agreement between our results and the IR data on the E′ modes is good. Predicted parameters for the E″ modes from force field calculations are also in good agreement with the data reported here.