Harvest and Nutritional Quality of Gammarus lacustris for Trout Culture

Gammarus lacustris (Amphipoda) utilize submerged netting as a substrate and can be harvested by dislodging them into a bag net. In a Manitoba lake, average yield from 257 m of netting was 61.92 kg. The cost of harvest was about $0.80 per kg of G. lacustris. Only adult animals were caught and the harvest procedure increased the female: male ratio over that in the lake. The animals could be transported live at densities up to 150 kg m−3 of water. The nutrient compostion of G. lacustris compares favorably with commercial trout feeds and with other crustacean feed ingredients. Protein content was about 40% and lipid and carbohydrate contents exceeded 10%, but composition varied with season. Essential amino acid content was sufficient to meet the dietary requirements for rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri. The feed:weight gain ratio of rainbow trout was similar for fish fed live G. lacustris and those fed commercial trout feed. Rainbow trout fed with G. lacustris had brighter external coloration than those fed commercial feed.

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