Summary: A comparison was made between four groups of women in their active reproductive years of serum levels of copper, caeruloplasmin and caeruloplasmin oxidase activity. Two groups were using an intrauterine device, either a Copper Seven IUD or a Dalkon Shield that contained copper within its matrix. The other two groups were taking combined oral contraceptives, either 1.0 mg. norethisterone + 50 μg. ethinyl oestradiol, or 0.5 mg. norethisterone + 50 μg. ethinyl oestradiol.No significant statistical difference was found in the serum levels of copper, caeruloplasmin and caeruloplasmin oxidase activity in those women using the two different IUDs; nor was any significant difference found in these parameters between the two groups of women taking the two different combined oral contraceptive preparations. There was, however, a statistically significant difference between the women using IUDs and those women taking the oral contraceptive preparations in whom these parameters were elevated.