Agrochemical residues in the Altata‐Ensenada del Pabellon coastal lagoon (Sinaloa, Mexico): A need for integrated coastal zone management
- 1 September 1996
- journal article
- research article
- Published by Taylor & Francis in International Journal of Environmental Health Research
- Vol. 6 (3) , 209-220
An in‐depth survey of agrochemical residues was carried out in the Altata‐Ensenada del Pabellon lagoon, on the Pacific coast of Mexico. A wide variety of residues originating from the surrounding agricultural lands were found in lagoon sediments, water, and biota samples. Persistence, cycling and fate of the most common pesticides were investigated using 14C labelled compounds in microcosms and mesocosms which simulated environmental conditions in the lagoon. Results from the study indicated that existent levels of contaminants in association with their persistence and trends in agrochemical usage, could compromise the future of this ecosystem including sustainable fisheries and the potential for developing aquaculture. Other activities in the area, namely those related to urban and industrial growth, cause additional impacts on the coastal lagoon system; therefore, coordinated actions are urgently needed to improve environmental management. A stepwise approach for integrated management of the coastal zone is suggested to reduce the exposure of the population to residues of hazardous agrochemicals and to ensure the future health of this lagoon ecosystem.Keywords
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