Molecular Analysis of Human Herpesvirus 8 by Using Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Open Reading Frame 26

Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) can be classified into distinct subtypes on the basis of sequence polymorphisms in several open reading frames (ORFs). We analyzed the subtypes of HHV-8 in 59 human immunodeficiency virus-infected Japanese patients by using polymorphisms in ORF26 and found that over two-thirds of the HHV-8 isolates fell into major subtype A. We also found that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at nucleotide positions 1032 (C-to-A substitution) and 1055 (G-to-T substitution) in HHV-8 ORF26 were correlated with increased susceptibility to Kaposi's sarcoma, compared to the results obtained with HHV-8 with wild-type nucleotides at these positions ( P = 0.0106). This observation suggests that molecular heterogeneity of the HHV-8 genome affects the biological properties of HHV-8, resulting in different clinical phenotypes of HHV-8 infection. Since sensitive PCR of ORF26 allowed us to analyze the SNPs by using peripheral blood from HHV-8-infected patients, the ORF26 SNPs will be a potent tool for investigating the pathogenesis of HHV-8 infection.