Codon preference inDictyostelium discoideum

Dictyostelium discoideum is of increasing interest as a model eukaryotic cell because its many attributes have recently been expanded to include improved genetic and biochemical manipulability. The ability to transform Dictyostelium using drug resistance as a selectable marker (1) and to gene target by high frequency homologous integration (2) makes this organism particularly useful for molecular genetic approaches to cell structure and function. Given this background, it becomes important to analyze the codon preference used in this organism. Dictyostelium displays a strong and unique overall codon preference. This preference varies between different coding regions and even varies between coding regions from the same gene family. The degree of codon preference may be correlated with expression levels but not with the developmental time of expression of the gene product. The strong codon preference can be applied to identify coding regions in Dictyostelium DNA and aid in the design of oligonucleotide probes for cloning Dictyostelium genes.

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