Guidelines for external fixation frame rigidity and stresses

Using results from FEM analyses and experiments as references, analytical methods are applied to develop simple approximate formulas to relate frame rigidity, maximal pin stresses, and peak pin–bone stresses in external fracture fixation (EFF) configurations in axial loading to the most important frame, pin, and bone parameters. It is found that, in a realistic range, the parameters can be adapted to vary the frame rigidity from about 13 N/mm to 17,000 N/mm, thereby reducing the maximal stresses in the pins and at the pin–bone interface by a factor of 140. In particular, when compromises have to be established in the frame characteristics in order to ensure a flexible configuration and limit the stress values at the same time, the formulas presented can provide useful guidelines. The side‐bar separation and the pin modulus, in particular, can be adapted to decrease the rigidity, while only moderately increasing the stresses, thereby reducing chances for pin failure, pin–bone loosening, and pin‐tract infection. A nomogram is presented for a quick reference to estimated relations between frame characteristics, rigidity, and stresses. It is believed that this material may be of use in EFF design and applications in clinical and animal experimental trials.