Methoxyindole synthesis in the retina of the frog (rana esculenta) during a diurnal period

In the present study, the synthesis of methoxyindoles in the neural part and in the pigment epithelial layer of the retina of the frog eye was investigated on the basis of naturally occurring substrate at regular intervals during a 24 hour period. Melatonin, 5-methoxytryptophol and 5-methoxyindole acetic acid were synthesized by the neural part of the retina only, while 5-methoxytryptamine and 5-methoxytryptophan were produced by both, the neural part of the retina and the pigment epithelium. The synthesis of melatonin and of 5-methoxytryptamine showed a diurnal rhythmicity. The results obtained clearly indicate that another cell type,i.e. pigment cells, is involved in indole metabolism besides photoreceptor elements. A possible functional relationship between different methoxyindoles and different retino-motor processes in the amphibian eye is discussed.

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