The rate of apparent photosynthesis of the lowbush blueberry was determined in Warburg flasks using Pardee's CO2 buffers. A marked increase in rate of O2 evolution occurred as the temperature was raised from 13.0 to 29.5 °C. With a constant temperature of 25.0 °C the rate of O2 evolution increased as the CO2 concentration increased from 0.2 to 0.8%. The young and middle-aged leaves had a higher rate of apparent photosynthesis than the older leaves. The rate was higher at a light intensity of 1000 ft-c than at 650 ft-c at a CO2 concentration of 0.4%. At the higher light intensity a lowbush blueberry clone selected on the basis of superior agronomic characteristics had a significantly higher rate of apparent pholosynthesis than an average clone.