Cognitive Disorder Among the Schizophrenias

Several workers have suggested that important differences exist in the cognitive disorders shown by patients in the various sub-groups of schizophrenia (Shakow, 1962, Lothrop, 1961). In this report the cognitive disorders investigated are those measured by the following tests: the Bannister-Fransella test (1966), which aims to measure “looseness and inconsistency in the use of constructs (concepts)” and two tests from the Payne-Friedlander (1962) battery intended to measure “over-inclusive thinking”—the Payne Object Classification test (Payne, 1962) and a modification of Benjamin's Proverbs (Benjamin, 1944). The differences among the schizophrenics which are considered are those between the acute and chronic stages of the illness and between paranoid schizophrenia and the non-paranoid varieties of the illness—hebephrenia, catatonia and simple schizophrenia.

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