Immunobiology of primary intracranial tumors

✓ Twenty patients with malignant gliomas were selected for active immunization within 4 weeks following surgery. Each patient had a Karnofsky Functional Rating equal to or greater than 70, a peripheral blood lymphocyte count equal to or greater than 1000 cells/cu mm, skin test responses to one or more of four recall antigens, peripheral blood T-cells equal to or greater than half that of control, and was not receiving steroid therapy at the time of entry into the study. Each patient received subcutaneous inoculations with one of two human glioma tissue culture cell lines (D-54MG or U-251MG) monthly, with 500 µg of bacillus Calmette-Guérin cell wall (BCG-CW) being included with the first inoculation. Each patient also received levamisole, 2.5 mg/kg 3 days per week every other week. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy with BCNU were begun after the first month of immunization. Follow-up evaluations included computerized tomography brain scans, neurological examinations, Karnofsky Functional Ratings, and studies o...