The temperature dependence of the ESR linewidth and resonant field has been measured for a variety of intermetallic compounds of the S state ions Gd, Eu (4f7) and Mn which order magnetically below 300K. Characteristic forms of behaviour have been distinguished for ferromagnetically ordering compounds (GdAl2, 'GdPt2.6', GdCu6, Pd2Eu, Pd2MnSn and GdRh2) and for antiferromagnets (GdAg3, GdCu2, EuAl2, 'GdCu4', EuAl4, GdZn12 and Gd2Zn17). In some of these latter compounds an extensive range of excess linewidth has been observed above the Neel point and interpreted in terms of an extended regime of short range magnetic order, the possible origins of which are discussed. Some of the compounds exist over a range of composition and the effects of this upon the ESR data is shown. The compound Pd3Gd shows behaviour rather different in character from the other compounds and the authors speculate that this may be associated with its metamagnetic properties. The g values and Korringa slopes for the compounds in their paramagnetic state have been measured and are compared with theoretical predictions.