New Suction Device for Sampling Arthropod Populations

A new suction sampler was constructed by equipping an Echo Power Blower with a special venturi attachment. The venturi uses energy of the blower exhaust to create suction in separate piping, similar to a flowing water aspirator. The external piping was modified by adding a cannister to hold the collecting net. The mechanical characteristics of this unit were compared to a standard Model lA backpack “D-vac.” The Echo was superior to the D-vac in suction, lighter in weight, had a more comfortable center of gravity, produced much less vibration, and was quieter. Comparative sampling studies in alfalfa showed the Echo to be equal or significantly superior to the D-vac in capturing a diverse complex of arthropods. Detailed plans are presented for the construction of the Echo sampling machine. Total cost for the base unit and modifications required is ca. $350.00.