Recording Infra-Red Analyzers for Butadiene and Styrene Plant Streams*

A simple compact instrument is described which analyzes various organic mixtures by automatic measurement of absorption of infra-red radiation. Optically the instrument consists of a double beam system employing a single source of radiation, a split lens or mirror, a sample cell and various filters through which one or both beams may pass, and two electrically opposed detectors upon which the beams are focused. Selectivity of wave-length is provided by the filters and by detectors having selectively absorbing radiation receivers. The detectors are two opposed arms of an a.c. excited bolometer made of fine nickel wire embedded in a selectively absorbing medium. A vacuum tube amplifier working on the bolometer output actuates a potentiometer-recorder which automatically restores the bridge balance and in the same operation records the analysis of the sample. Successful operation of these instruments on continuous analysis of plant streams of butadiene-butene gas mixtures and of styrene-ethyl-benzene liquid mixtures is detailed. One unit has been in service for over three years automatically controlling a distillation process.

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