γwidth of the unbound 5.17 MeV level ofO14and the ‘‘hot’’ CNO cycle

We have measured the γ-ray branching ratio Γγ/Γ of the unbound 5.17 MeV first excited state in O14 using the C12 (3He,) reaction at E3He=9.35 MeV. We detected coincidences between n1 neutrons populating the O14 state and 5.17 MeV γ rays from its decay, and obtained Γγ/Γ=(7.2±3.5)×105. When combined with the known total width Γ=38.1±1.8 keV, our branching ratio corresponds to Γγ=2.7±1.3 eV. We use this γ-ray width, together with previously measured nonresonant C13(p,γ1) data, to find the N13(p,γ) reaction rate at astrophysical energies, thereby determining the stellar environments where hydrogen burning through ‘‘hot’’ or β-limited CNO cycle can occur.