A 31-GHz monolithic GaAs mixer/preamplifier circuit for receiver applications

The portion of a monolithic receiver containing integrated Schottky mixer diodes and MESFET'S with microstrip circuitry has been developed and tested at 31 GHz. This work is part of a program to establish the feasibility of monolithic receivers and transmitters at microwave and millimeter-wave frequencies. Receiver designs using high-cutoff frequency diodes in a mixer configuration followed by a MESFET amplifier are capable of operating from microwave through millimeter-wave frequencies. However, the fabrication of monolithic receiver designs requires the integration on the same wafer of devices with different material requirements. We have developed a compatible integration scheme which is fundamental to the fabrication of monolithic receivers at millimeter-wave frequencies. Fabrication and design considerations for the 31-GHz balanced mixer and IF preamplifier are described. Completed monolithic units typically exhibit a conversion gain of 4 dB from the signal frequency of 31 GHz to the IF frequency of 2 GHz. The associated noise figure is typically 11.5 dB.