ARQ schemes with adaptive modulation/TDMA/TDD systems for wireless multimedia communication services

This paper proposes automatic repeat request (ARQ) protocols combined with an adaptive modulation system (AMS) (ARQ/AMS) to achieve high throughput data transmission for wireless multimedia communication services. First, it analyses the cause of the throughput limitation of the conventional fixed modulation ARQ system, and discusses basic strategies to improve the throughput performance by effectively combining ARQ and AMS. Next, it proposes a selective repeat ARQ (SR-ARQ) with AMS (SR-ARQ/AMS), and shows its throughput performance improvement effect. Finally, this paper proposes a type-II hybrid ARQ with a punctured convolutional coding combined with the AMS (type-II hybrid ARQ/AMS) to further improve the throughput performance. Computer simulation confirms that the proposed type-II hybrid ARQ/AMS can achieve higher throughput performance than the conventional selective repeat ARQ with QPSK under any channel conditions.