A Playroom Observational Procedure for Assessing Hyperactive Boys

In two separate studies, the playroom observation technique of Routh (1975) was modified to assess activity and attentional variables under three instructional sets: free play, restricted play, and a restricted academic situation. In Experiment I, a discriminant function based on variables from the restricted academic situation correctly predicted the clinical status of 88% of all cases in a sample of 25 hyperactive and 16 nonreferred boys. In Experiment 2, the clinical status of 90% of 20 clinic-referred hyperactive boys and 20 non-referred boys was correctly predicted by a separate discriminant function based on restricted academic measures. Multivariate analyses of variance in both studies revealed significant Diagnostic group × Instructional sets in-teractions, indicating that behavioral differences between groups become more pronounced as the degree of environmental restrictiveness increases. The present observational procedures are proposed as a more standardized, objective method of assessing attention deficit disorder or hyperactivity in the clinic setting. The need for independent replication is stressed.

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