The action of density-dependent population growth is modeled through the effects of limited food. Scramble competition for food affects viability and adult size, which are correlated with the fecundity of females. Adult effects on fecundity are also explicitly modeled. In the two submodels considered, changes in the minimum amount of food necessary for successful pupation lead to (1) changes in the minimum size of an adult with no change in overall efficiency or (2) constant minimum size but changes in the efficiency of food use. The resulting population dynamics of the two submodels are qualitatively different. For both submodels, population stability requires some degree of adult effects on female fecundity for parameter values typical of Drosophila. When genetic variation is present for competitive ability and minimum food required, natural selection at equilibrium population size favors increasing competitive ability and decreasing the minimum food requirement. Evolutionary changes in the competitive ability of a population do not affect equilibrium population size. Decreases in the minimum food requirements typically increase the equilibrium adult population size but have variable effects on equilibrium egg numbers, depending on the submodel examined. Biological evidence suggests that competitive ability and minimum food requirements may be positively correlated. Genetic models with this antagonistic pleiotropy can maintain allelic variation without overdominance in either character. Furthermore, contrary to established verbal theory, there is no consistent prediction concerning the evolution of average body size. An advantage of this theory is that parameters of interest may be easily estimated in laboratory populations of Drosophila.