The report describes the determination of short-lived radon decay products found in unventilated living rooms in Hungary. Altogether 841 analyses were carried out in 14 different towns and villages of our country. In 92% of the investigations the rooms had not been aired for at least 8 hr prior to taking the air sample. The building materials making up the walls and the distances of the rooms from ground level were different in our studies. The characteristics of the relative frequency distributions of the concentrations can generally be said to have been logarithmic-normal. The arithmetical averages of the Radium A, Radium B and Radium C concentrations obtained through the 841 measurements were: 3.05, 2.64 and 2.49 pCi/l., respectively. The standard deviations of the individual concentration determinations with reference to the RaA-, RaB- and RaC-concentrations were: ± 3.66, ± 3.38, ± 3.27 pCi/l. On the basis of these radon daughter product concentrations and of certain assumptions elaborated in the text below, the following weighted average alpha-dose-rates were obtained for the Hungarian population: bronchial epithelium: 800 mrad per annum, while for the whole of the lungs: 120 mrad per annum.

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