Bππ, New Physics inBπK, and Implications for RareKandBDecays

The measured Bππ,πK branching ratios (BRs) exhibit puzzling patterns. We point out that the Bππ hierarchy can be nicely accommodated in the standard model (SM) through nonfactorizable hadronic interference effects, whereas the BπK system may indicate new physics (NP) in the electroweak (EW) penguin sector. Using the Bππ data and the SU(3) flavor symmetry, we fix the hadronic BπK parameters and show that any currently observed feature of the BπK system can be easily explained through enhanced EW penguin diagrams with a large CP-violating NP phase. This in turn implies in particular an enhancement of the KLπ0νν¯ rate by 1 order of magnitude, with BR(KLπ0νν¯)4BR(K+π+νν¯), BR(KLπ0e+e)=O(1010), and (sin2β)πνν¯<0. We address also other rare K and B decays and BdϕKS.