Early signals in field grown wheat in response to shallow soil drying

The aim of the present work was to test under field condition earlier climate room findings that root-borne signals may control stomatal closure and leaf extension rate during mild soil drying. Stomatal conductance (g H2O) of flag leaves, leaf and stem extension rates, leaf water relations, leaf ABA content and predawn xylem [ABA] were measured daily in wheat grown in two soil types (sand and loam) in lysimeters in the field during a period of soil drying with high and low evaporative demands. At 3 days after withholding irrigation (DAI) on both soil types, when soil water potential (Ψsoil) in the upper soil profile of the droughted treatment had dropped to –70 kPa and with the lower layers still at field capacity, predawn xylem [ABA] increased. At 4 DAI the leaf extension rate decreased and midday leaf ABA content increased. Stem extension rates decreased at 5 DAI in loam and 7 DAI in sand. g H2O started to decrease 6 DAI in loam and 9 DAI in sand. These responses were observed before any detectable decrease in the midday leaf water status of the droughted plants had occurred relative to well- watered plants. The responses were closely related to Ψsoil and independent of evaporative demand. We conclude that, in wheat, root-borne signals probably control stomatal conductance and leaf extension rate during mild soil drying in the field.