Mechanism of Serous Choroidal Detachment

Although a number of articles have been written on the subject of serous choroidal detachment, most of these have been case reports, with conclusions that were both speculative and indecisive. The frequency with which this entity occurs as a complication of intraocular surgery makes it imperative that the subject be investigated more thoroughly as to cause and methods of prophylaxis. Fortunately, most serous choroidal detachments resolve completely without specific therapy; nevertheless, they always cause much anxiety on the part of the attending ophthalmologist, as well as the patient. A few investigators (Fronimopoulos,9 Meesmann14) have done basic research on this problem. The present work was undertaken to study serous choroidal detachment as to its etiology and mechanism of production. HISTORICAL SURVEY Knapp (1868) was the first to report serous choroidal detachment following cataract extraction. He proposed the theory that fluid accumulated as a result of plastic scleritis. There were