Programming and Running Radioimmunoassay in the h-TSH Screening Procedure Using Dried Blood Spots and the NE1600 Gamma Counter on Line to the HP9815S Calculator

Screening for hypothyroidism has been achieved by seeking raised concentrations of thyroid stimulating hormone (h-TSH) in dried blood samples collected on absorbent paper from some 1700 newborn babies each week using double antibody radioimmunoassay and 125I-label counting on a NE1600 gamma counter linked to a HP9815S desk top calculator. Specificity, accuracy, and quality control of the assay have been investigated. The calculator programme stores all count, time, and calculated data and uses log-log function formation and third-power homoscedastic polynomial fit to the calibration data followed, if necessary, by elimination of outliers set at p= 0·5 %. Branching in the calculation procedure provides the ability to process sample data in subgroups, completely to reprocess data (including presentation in a form suitable for making a histogram plot), and to reset without loss of data in case of instrument or main power failure. Variance analysis was used to select the minimum duration of count (50 s), and it was demonstrated that homoscedasticity pertains in the regression calculation.