Comparisons of in vivo BrdU labeling methods and spontaneous sister chromatid exchange frequencies in regenerating murine liver and bone marrow cells

BrdU and BrdC have been employed as DNA labeling agents for differentiation of sister chromatids and for extension of sister chromatid exchange (SCE) methods to regenerating murine liver cells in vivo. Comparisons were made between bone marrow and liver cells isolated simultaneously from mice following DNA labeling with either BrdC or BrdU. Although the total mitotic yield of bone marrow cells was considerably greater than in liver, a higher percentage of second division metaphases was observed in liver cell preparations. The percentages of second division c-metaphase cells observed were 31.5% in bone marrow and 73% in liver cell preparations. Utilizing either BrdU or BrdC, no significant difference in percentage of second division metaphases was discerned. The number of spontaneous SCEs per cell was distributed according to the Poisson probability function. No significant differences in mean numbers of SCEs per cell were found in comparisons of bone marrow (1.40) and liver cells (1.65) or of cells which had incorporated BrdU or BrdC.