Measurements of linewidths in conventional high resolution spectra have been used to investigate mechanisms of nuclear relaxation in viscous solutions. The line widths for ABX and A 2 X 2 systems have been calculated by means of Redfield’s theory and assuming relaxation by a random magnetic field; these are tabulated. The linewidths for an ABX system relaxing through the dipolar coupling of nuclei A and B are also tabulated. The mechanism of relaxation of a variety of small molecules in viscous solutions was found to be an intermolecular process, but not to be due to a dipolar field (such as would arise from a nuclear or electron spin). The relative signs of certain coupling constants in ABX and A 2 X 2 systems, which cannot be determined by analysis of the spectrum, can be found from such measurements; this is demonstrated for vinyl n -butyl ether and 1,2-dibromotetrafluorobenzene.