Molecular reorientation and boron nuclear quadrupole interaction in crystalline o r t h o-carborane

Molecular reorientation in crystalline ortho‐carborane has been studied by 1H, 10B, and 11B nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) at several frequencies, in the temperature interval 155–370 K. The phase transition originally found by Baughman has been determined in our measurements to occur at 274±2 K. o‐carborane reorientation in the high temperature phase has been found by 1H and 11B T1 measurements to have an activation energy EA=5.8±1.3 kJ/mole. Pulse and cw NMR data are consistent with a picture of the high temperature phase in which o‐carborane molecules undergo rapid isotropic reorientation. NMR data for the low temperature phase demonstrate the reorientation must be anisotropic. The boron lines are quadrupole‐split. The width and shape of the 11B central line are functions of NMR frequency and temperature. At low temperature and low frequency the 11B line is broad and asymmetric. Evidence indicates the width of this line is due mainly to lifetime broadening. 1H and 11B T1 data in the high temperature phase, and a theory of the frequency dependence of the 11B central line in the low temperature phase, yield an ’’average’’ 11B quadrupolar coupling constant (e2Qq/h¯) =1.3±0.3 MHz. The 1H spin–lattice relaxation time in the low temperature phase is an asymmetric function of inverse temperature. The apparent activation energy for temperatures above the T1 minimum is EA=33.5±1.8 kJ/mole at NMR frequencies of 10 and 20 MHz. Below the T1 minimum, EA=14.0±1.1 kJ/mole at 10 MHz, and EA=18.9±0.7 kJ/mole at 20 MHz.