Neurologic Manifestations of Hodgkin's Disease

IT is rare for intracerebral Hodgkin's disease to involve cranial nerves, particularly the optic nerves and optic chiasm. Virtually all reported cases of intracerebral Hodgkin's disease initially involved the floor of the cranial cavity and overlying meninges, with secondary extension to cranial nerves and brain. The patient described here with generalized Hodgkin's disease appears unique because the Hodgkin's granuloma originated in the hypothalamus and extended to the optic chiasm and cranial nerves. Clinical features included diabetes insipidus, hallucinations, and peripheral neuropathy. The systemic lesions spared many of the organs usually affected and involved other organs which are usually spared. Report of a Case This 23-year-old woman had been well until July 1964 when she developed a superior vena cava syndrome. Thoracotomy was performed at another hospital, with subtotal resection of an anterior superior mediastinal tumor, diagnosed as carcinoma of the thymus. Cobalt irradiation to the mediastinum and neck