Cobalt, Alfalfa and Meat Scraps in Drylot Rations for Growing-Fattening Pigs

A factorially-designed expt. involving 120 Duroc pigs randomized into 20 lots, was used to test 5 treatments on 4 rations. The treatments included basal, cobalt, B12, and trace mineral salt. The 4 rations were a corn-soybean mineral basal, basal plus 5% meat scraps, basal plus 5% dehydrated alfalfa, and basal plus 5% meat scraps and 5% alfalfa. The pigs were self-fed on concrete from weights of 54 to 200 lbs. Avg. daily gains varied from 1.48 to 1.84 lbs./pig/day and feed per lb. of gain varied from 4.07 to 5.50 lbs. Additions of 885 ug. of Co per lb. of ration significantly increased gains. Additions of 5% meat scraps to the basal resulted in a highly significant increase of gain. Results of additions of B12, alone or with Co, were inconclusive. Inclusion of 5% excellent quality dehydrated alfalfa resulted in a significant decrease in rate of gain and a less efficient gain.

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