Visible and VUV spectroscopic diagnostics on Heliotron E

Diagnostic applications of visible and VUV spectroscopic techniques, as applied to the currentless Heliotron E plasma device, are described. Visible spectroscopy has been used to measure (i) ion temperature, (ii) proton‐to‐electron density ratio, (iii) Zeff by charge exchange recombination from an intense neutral beam, (iv) radial electric field by poloidal rotation velocity measurement, and (v) electron density around an ablating pellet by a Stark profile. VUV spectroscopy has been used to investigate emission spectra due to multiply ionized impurity species. This information is used to measure the densities of these species, and to learn about the transport of these particles. Recently, a flat‐field survey spectrometer has been constructed and used to study the emission spectra due to metallic impurities in ICRF‐heated plasmas.